Tuesday, April 6, 2010

When Did It Become April 6th ?

Hello Tuesday,

Well it has been some time since,my last post,sorry about that,school has been a bit hectic and doesn't look like it will be slowing down its pace till we reach the finish line known as summer break.

Rumor has it that spring is officially joining us this year,that would be awesome so I could run outside like a mad man.I have been getting over my knee sprain, so cabin fever has me itching to get outside and hangout with mother nature.

In school, the usual is amongst the students, as expected at this point of the year, all the tests,projects,papers and last minute scrambles before exams week pops up and annoys us all. But not to worry because even though students often times get stressed out, myself included, I have a new philosophy on this high stress time period. So many of us are usually looking for an outside source that is causing our problems and hindering out social, academic performances and yes I know that this all comes with the college territory but I want us all to remember that we can be the cure to the sickness. We can change the way we wish to approach the tough situations ahead of us and tailor the outcomes in our favor, changing the way the situation will affect us,for the better. There is always a silver lining, a positive way to look at a situation. When one door closes, another opens.Surround yourself with good company, it will make the journey a lot less stressful if you travel with good vibrations.( Que the Marky Mark and the Funky Bunch music,please)

Let me leave you with this,Instead of feeling down,feel hopeful about new directions that life has in store for you.Look at things positively,trust the process of your beautiful and fufilling life.

As Always,Take Care.

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