Monday, March 29, 2010

Spring Showcase Success

Hello Monday,

It is a windy one out there,filled with rain and muggy weather,but I am remaining as positive can be and you should be to! I am riding high of the success we all experienced yesterday at Undergraduate Admissions with hosting the first spring showcase of the semester. There was a proactive assembly of various student leaders and faculty and staff. I was fun to work with friends who were helping run the event,while representing Student Government, Summer Orientation,Sawyer Ambassadors, Residence Life and other institutional student programs.

I had the humbling pleasure to speak on one of the Parent Panels yesterday, all day long in the Law School. I served alongside exceptionally respected panel,consisting of Associate Dean, Sebastian Royo and Vice President Christine Perry of Financial Services. We also had two alumnus speakers, Allan Motenko 06' and Kerry Viera 92'.Listening on how their undergraduate tenure translated into professional success was inspiring and reassuring as in a little over a years time,I I am set to graduate...not scary,exciting for the future!! I also truly enjoyed the academic insight by Dean Royo,along with the past student perspective and career track discussion by our studious alum. Of course I valued working for Vice President Perry, she was a great moderator and I hope I get the opportunity to work with her again, just a great lady, good energy and humor, while really balancing the entire information session.

Overall,the entire program was planned and executed very well and I am looking forward to working the event once again on April 11.* My dad is one of the alumni speakers for the date,I want to to try and catch his speech, even though I know his story, it never get old to me.

Alright, I usually take this part of the post to tell you and get out and be active, but I have not been physically active all week since I am in brace, so I am not wuite motivated to the "T". With that being said,just relax and enjoy the night,I hear the poor weather is going to persist into the night,so kick back,relax and do yo' thing.

As Always,Take Care.


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