Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Rainy Days in Los Angeles ... Or Boston.

Hello All, Sorry to have kept you waiting for almost a full week since my last post, I hope I did not affect to many peoples weeks, throw them off by not consistently posting invaluable Suffolk knowledge on the "interweb". Anyways, my blog title comes about as follows, the first part is from a song by a band I listen to a lot called < Shwayze, just thought it would be clever little play on words, but now that I have read it over, thought about it a bit, I don't like it... But seriously its raining and you should check out the band Shwayze.

Last week was the Vacation Week Information Sessions. It was a fun, interesting experience to take part in, I met a lot of really nice families and was able to offer my perspective of student life at Suffolk which was really fun and engaging. Though with all the prospective students seeking an academic institution to attend for there bachelors degree, it made me a bit anxious to begin my collegiate graduate school search. The major issue though, is I cannot decide if I want to leave Boston and study elsewhere and leave all my friends , or do I want to figure out a situation that allows me to stay in the city I have grown to call home... Stay tuned on that one , because it will be a running theme in future blog posts.

Next Week marks Suffolk's Annual Unity Week with an array of events, feel free to check out the entire weeks slate of events and attend. The week kicks off with the 3rd Annual Multi Cultural Summit , in which I plan on attending , so ill be sure to let you all know how it goes.

Alright im off to the gym to work on my fitness, got to stay in shape in these winter months, especially with spring break right around the corner. I got to be looking good for the island of St. Marteen :) Pictures sure to follow !

Take Care,


1 comment:

  1. You're going to St. Marteen?! SO JEALOUS! Have funn! :)
