Wednesday, February 10, 2010

The Snow Day that Never Was

Hello All,

Yes, this is the first ever John McDonnell , Undergraduate Admissions blog, for your viewing pleasure , I hope I can soon be added to the premier list of your most visited websites.

On a more serious note , I am eager to finally begin to blog for you all, I will surely be learning and picking up tips along the way on how to approach this blogging concept , but I can assure you in time I will be posting like a seasoned vet.

So, this semester is officially a month in the books and I am sad to see each month go by quicker than the previous. Already though student activities has been great. Student Government Association is beginning there Spring Elections, so the canidates are starting there campaigns, it surely is an exciting time for the student body, the energy is definently alive amongst the students.

In other news , this friday night, february 12, SUHA is sponsoring an event called " A Date for Haiti" in which numerous members of student groups will be auctioned off for dates. I am one of the many to be auctioned off, so come on down at 7pm to Donahue Cafe to support an amazing cause with a great group of kids, and hey if youre feeling lucky, maybe you should take a chance and bid on me !

Okay, well now that I have serviced my shameless event plugs, I will leave you with this, I hope you all have a great day, stay warm and enjoy the snowday half day that I just learned is taking place , so have fun be safe and rest up !

Take Care.


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