Thursday, February 18, 2010

Vacation Week in Admissions

Hello to all my loyal readers, ( I am aware the amount is ever growing as we share this valued time). I am writing you to check in with you all and share with you what I have been up to since the last time we sat down and shared my happenings on this enthralling blog post. Now,before I keep you on the edge of your seats , letting the anticipation build for much longer, Ill just dive right what this week is all about through my eyes.

This week is Vacation Week for New England area high schools, so that means that accepted, along with prospective students are packing the Undergraduate Information Sessions by the masses. It really is an exciting to time to see all the high school students as they take part in the early stages of their collegiate search, or wether they are taking the last stage measures to soon declare their university of choice. Yesterday , when I attended the Early Action Reception, I was taken aback , that only 3 years ago, my mother and I sat in the audience listening to ambassadors dicuss student life through there unique experiences, flash forward three years time and I was on the other side... wild to think.

Also, last night I attended a mentalist show in the Donahue Cafe, by the name of James David, the event was in the Donahue Cafe, with well over 100 students in attendance, the show was mind blowing and David, really got the audience interacting from the opening act. It was yet another great programming expose by Program Council, my hats off to them for endlessly working to provide premier student programs.

So, this weekend ( Thursday, Friday and Saturday ) night , the Performing Arts Office is having another installment of the Pioneer Series, with the production, "Epic Proportions", the show is free and I have heard nothing but great things about the show, I will let you all know how it goes.

Okay, I have done it once again,I have over stayed my blog time with you all. So I will make off and head out for another tour.

Hope you all enjoy the end of your school week and have a fun, safe weekend.

As always, Take Care.


1 comment:

  1. As a new follower of your blog, I cannot wait to hear more from you! I'm on the edge of my seat!
