Saturday, March 27, 2010

My First Ever Showcase Tomorrow

Hello Saturday,

I hope you all are doing well,I am just dropping a line to say hello since its been a bit. I will for sure get into my trip to Sainte Martin in my next post.

News to you all is that tomorrow is Suffolk University's first Spring Showcase of 2010! I am really excited and not sure what quite to expect, i hope its not chaotic mayhem. I am excited to take part in such a full scale event for undergraduate admissions. I am also getting a chance to speak on the parent's panel so if you attend , make sure to hit up my room, ill deliver you some poetic genius to the tune of suffolk times.

I should be moving super slow tomorrow, with a prime limp, I tricked my left knee ligaments again... such a pain, But i am recovery quite nicely from this one thus far. Maybe since i hurt my knee by just getting out of my chair... you can laugh, its quite fine.

Alright so take care all, go outside and go for a walk in you hometowns. Something as simple as a light walk can be so fufillling and help you gain perspective in other aspects of your life. Of course it will make you happier and healthier! Do it for yourself, and me since i cant really get a good stroll in today.

Okay off to celebrate a friends birthday at a luncheon.

This is a picture of St Martin, not to be obnoxious but to show you the beauty around the world and to get us geared up for spring and summer fun !

Take , as always.


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