Thursday, March 4, 2010

The show must go on !

Hello Thursday ,

So today's weather is a testament to us all by mother nature that spring is still off in the distance and that winter is here with us for the time being. Though the weather is poor today, it will not rain on our parade! The parade of course being Suffolk's Annual Unity Week Showcase. The event is a compilation of entertainment acts put on by students that in some way,shape or form help the student identify who there are culturally and socially. The event will be taking place tonight at 7pm in the C. Walsh Theatre, so may I please suggest,going into the closet and pull out that umbrella,because the trip to temple street is most certainly worth roughing out the elements.

Also this Saturday I am having the pleasure to take part in the Undergraduate Admissions " Students 2 Students" session. I cant wait to work with fellow ambassadors; T.J., Chris, Meg and Mike. That is one star -studded lineup if you ask me!

So let me leave you with this challenge for your weekend. Above all else,enjoy the Weekend ! What can you do that is fun, healthy and exciting and possibly inspire someone else this weekend? I CHALLENGE you to do this all in fun!! Let me know how it goes!

Be safe out there and as always, take care.


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