Saturday, May 8, 2010

Hey You, Stop Eating, Please!

Yes, Overeating is unhealthy, a leading cause to our current national issue of obesity ( good thing Michelle Obama is working her campaign), but that is not what I am referring to, I am discussing the ever-growing problem with Gen Y taking on far too many tasks. I know despite the recent Hollywood trend of superhero movies, we (Gen Y) are not equipped with superhuman powers, though some have mutant like tendencies.

So many of us now brand ourselves as prime multi takers and I have no objection to that, I to work well with structure and additional activities to accompany my role as a full time student. Though, as much of an advocate as I am for students to test there limits with co curricular activities, I am noticing more and more that students seem to be overloading there plates with countless amounts of activities and commitments that are impossible to perform at there optimal performance. I use the corny, yet applicable thought, that students load their plates like they are at a buffet. There is so much food that looks enticing and offers so many avenues to of selection, but once you sit down, you often times realize that you have taken far more food than you could possibly consume.

Now, I am optimist, yet with that a realist. I am here to relay the obvious, yet often overlooked; time is not on our side. There is far too much to do, in far too little time. The more the workload, increases more times of stress than positive returns. I encouraged other students that fall into the realm of “ over consumption” to take a piece of mind that I found first hand to accept that were are human and we can not do it all. With that being said, I do take on numerous tasks, but only promises that I now I can deliver with the utmost respect and dedication. It speaks volumes when a student can accept a role and promise that they will dedicate their entire focus and loyalty to a project. It goes back to the phrase used for years far before Gen Y existed,” Quality over Quantity”. I have several projects that I take on and work along with a student, yet the difference is I have the ability to decline projects I know that I cannot make a vital impact and apply myself like I know I can and should. I have a pet peeve, when I am working with a team on a project that I find passionate about I apply my all and become engrossed in the project, so I expect my team to work just as hard. So, it makes no sense for me to speak one claim and then take on a project that I cannot dedicate my all too.

With this all being sad, there are a select group of students that can take on any project and deliver there all or perform above the expectancy that is asked of them. If you are one of those folks, then more power to you, I admire you. Remember this though, if you take nothing else away from this post, a challenge is exciting and I invite the opportunity to learn and reach levels I never have experienced, yet the lack of time should be remembered, if you sacrifice your well being, then you haven’t won at all, you’ve lost.

Lastly, as I become a senior this fall, I can tell you this, enjoy it have fun and never forget you’re a college student, enjoy your time because you will be working for the rest of your life after graduation.

As Always, Take Care.

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